Science Final 05/22/17

This week we started our eighth grade science final. Our class was split into three groups of four, each assigned to take forty pictures demonstrating what we had learned in science the past three years. After we took our pictures we had to write a short paragraph about our chosen topic. We each chose topics the were interesting to us. Here are some topics i chose. I chose to review on rabies, scoliosis, the trumpet fish and the eye. The picture of these topics were pretty fun to take, especially the rabies one where I had my friend pretend that she was infected. After we started our finals, we started another traditional task of the eighth grade class, making chairs. Each year for the past couple years each class member makes a chair and decorated them with scenes or some picture of a memorable item, event or word. Some are inside jokes with funny hidden meanings that only our class will get. These chairs enable us to take home a keep a little memory of our time as eight graders at the pathfinder school, and they give us a place to rest as we climb the stairs to the next step in our lives. Schools almost out!!!!


Pictures show in order: The mouth (Jadyn), genetics (me and my twin), drugs (me and McLean), inertia (me), scoliosis (me), and a beautiful group picture showing friendship (Jadyn, Avery, Mclean, and me)

(I am in the red, green, and grey depending on the day)

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